
Steve Shih


Hello. This is Steve. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I have been living in Taiwan for more than ten years and I started working here at ACES in 2002. I have been teaching English since I got here. Before starting work at ACES, I had worked at another English school and at a kindergarten teaching young children. I’m married with one child. I grew up in Virginia in the United States. I also went to elementary school, middle school, and high school in Virginia. After high school, my family moved to Canada, and I went to university in Ontario. Soon after graduating from university, I came to Taiwan and have enjoyed living here since then.


Rodney Hill

哈囉我是Rodney老師,你也可以叫我Rod。我來自澳洲,但我在台灣居住已超過我大半輩子的時間,我已把自己看做是一個台灣人! 大學畢業之後,我從亞洲東南亞地區開始了一段短暫的旅行,它也因此把我帶來台灣。我一開始計畫在台灣停留三到六個月, 但我卻意外地留下來到現在。無庸置疑地,我非常地愛著這塊美麗的土地。在台灣,我擁有豐富的教材編撰以及英語教學經驗,學生年齡從幼稚園至成人等都有。近年來,我專攻於成人班以及全民英檢的教學。我感到非常的榮幸能在ACES發展成人班的課程。ACES的老師們是一群專業、有責任感的老師,這樣的師資群,在台灣是非常難得可見的。

Hello, my name’s Rodney Hill, but you can call me Rod. I’m the only member of the outstanding teaching crew here at ACES who is not from America or Canada. I came to Taiwan from Australia and have been here for almost half of my life; I guess that makes me half Taiwanese. After graduating I took a short trip through South East Asia and arrived on the beautiful island of Formosa. At first it was supposed to be a short stay of about three to six months, however that time was extended to…well, half of my life. Needless to say, I love it here in Taiwan very much. I have had extensive experience teaching and writing curriculum for all ages from kindergarten to adults. I am now focusing my attention specifically on adults and GEPT class. I feel privileged to be developing the adult program here at ACES. There is a unique group of professional, high-achieving teachers here at ACES; this is very rare in most other institutions in Taiwan.


Devlin Cotter


Hello! My name’s Devlin. I was born and raised in New York. I graduated from The State University of New York in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science. I’ve always been fascinated with languages and have studied Spanish, French, Thai and now Chinese. In addition to studying languages, I love to play music and spend time with my family. I have been a teacher since graduating college. I worked in the New York public school system before moving to Thailand to teach English there. After Thailand, I taught at Tokyo Denki University in Japan. In 2006, I moved to Taiwan and have been here since. I recently welcomed a new daughter and my little family continues to love our lives here in Taiwan.


Shay Delagarza


Hi! I’m Shay. I grew up in the Chicagoland area and had the pleasure of living in the magnificent city of Chicago during my college years and for a short time after. There, I attended School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I studied architecture. A year after obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I decided I wanted to travel before going back to school to get my master’s degree.I stumbled upon the option of teaching English in Taiwan. In 2012, with only a year commitment in mind, I packed my bags and traveled to this beautiful island. After starting to learn Chinese and developing a new passion for teaching, that one year plan was extended to a new place to call home for now. It’s been a pleasure to be surrounded by these bright, joyful, dedicated and hardworking children and I’m excited to continue this journey. I look forward to seeing you in the classroom!

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Chris Gorski


我於2012年在紐約州立大學水牛城分校完成了我的教育碩士學位,在那裡我獲得了Arthur A. Schomburg獎學金。畢業後,我教初高中社會學科。我非常想念我暑假時期在尼亞加拉大瀑布當國際導遊的日子。




Hey everybody, my name’s Chris Gorski. I grew up in Buffalo, New York in the United States. I have been a teacher since 2005.

I completed my Master’s of Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2012 where I was recipient of the Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship. After graduating, I taught middle school and high school social studies. I spent my summers as an international tour guide in Niagara Falls which I miss very much.

In Taiwan, I am the host of Ivy League’s Enjoy English magazine and Analytical English magazine. Tune in to hear lots of fun facts and trivia while practicing your listening and growing your vocabulary!

In 2008, I married my lovely wife. We don’t have any human babies, but we do have 10 adopted stray cats whom we love so much! We’re very active with animal rescue groups in Taiwan. Come show me pictures of your cats!

I have always loved teaching. I consider myself blessed to follow through with my childhood dreams. I hope you love learning with us just as much. See you soon.

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David Yang


在課堂之外,我喜歡打籃球、踢足球、閱讀和旅行。能夠在ACES教學是件很幸福的事, 因為這裡的學生和家長都是如此快樂和激勵自己每天努力地往卓越邁進。我承諾會提供最好的教學,並且幫助孩子不管在校內或校外都能成為最好的人!

I’m David. I was born in Taipei, Taiwan and immigrated to the United States when I was 4 years old. Since then, I was raised in Palo Alto, California and graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2012. I am very proud of my multicultural roots and consider it an honor to help Taiwanese kids at Aces to become better global citizens.

Outside of the classroom, I enjoy playing basketball and soccer, reading, and traveling. Being at ACES has been a true blessing because the students and parents are such happy and motivated people who strive for excellence every single day. I promise I will provide the best teaching possible and help your kids become the best they can be, inside and outside of school!