
Rick France

ACES的創辦人Rick來自美國賓州的匹茲堡, 1991年他自卡內基美濃大學畢業後就來到台灣。原本只想來東方看看以開拓視野的他,並未計畫長留台灣,但台灣人的友善好客以及他對教學的熱愛讓他留下。12年後,與Tammy結婚成了台灣女婿,並有兩個可愛的女兒-Farrah及Brady,Rick早已將台灣視為他的第二個家。自1998年Rick創立ACES民生本班至今,在許多死忠的學生和家長們的支持下,ACES已括展為民生、東湖、麗山、大直、汐止、新店、板橋、羅東、新竹、台中、高雄、林口及新莊十三個學校。這些年的教學與經營,他最大的欣慰就是看著ACES的學生們能夠正確又自在的運用英文表達事情。
I’m Rick. I was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1991. The following year, I came to Taiwan seeking to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world from a different point of view. I never imagined I would make Taiwan my home, but the hospitality of the people and my love for the teaching profession convinced me to extend my stay. Twelve years later, I married a wonderful woman, Tammy, and we soon had two beautiful little kids, Farrah and Brady. Two more reasons for me to call Taiwan my home.
I opened the doors of the Minsheng ACES in 1998 with the enthusiastic support of lots of loyal students and their parents. Today, we have thirteen ACES branches spreading our brand of outstanding English language training to the future leaders of Taiwan. Despite the tremendous success of ACES schools, my greatest professional joy is seeing my current or former students and hearing them use English accurately and effectively to express themselves with confidence. It is my hope that these students may go on to use their English abilities to make a better life for themselves, and to make Taiwan and the Earth a better place.

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