HS 131 131.1 - Is he their teacher? 1Q2A x5 (HS Josh)131.2 - Are they their cousins? 1Q2A x5 (HS Josh)131.3 - What are their names? 1Q1A x7 (HS Josh)131.4 - their - 3 sentences? x5 (HS Josh) HS 132 132.1 - Can I go to the bathroom? 6Q6A x2 (HS Josh)132.2 - Its - sentences x2 (HS Josh) HS 133 133.1 - Do you have a banana? 3Q5A x3 (HS Josh) HS 134 134.1 - What do you want for your birthday? 3Q8A x2 (HS Josh)134.2 - Does Alice want a robot? 4Q8A x1 (HS Josh)134.3 - Is "4" a lucky number? 4Q4A x2 (HS Josh)HS134.4 - Is your grandfather a generous guy? 2Q2A x4 (HS Josh) HS 135 此堂課無音檔 HS 136 136.1 - Subject Verb Object - Singular (I verb me) x10 (HS Josh)136.2 - Can you hear me? 5Q5A x2 (HS Josh) HS 137 137.1 - Subject Verb Object - Plural (we verb us) x5 (HS Josh)137.2 - Does Rick like us? 4Q4A x5 (HS Josh)137.3 - Uncountable Nouns x3 (HS Josh)137.4 - Do you like ice cream? (like have want) 3Q8A x2 (HS Josh)137.5 - Do you know the answer? 5Q6A x2 (HS Dan) HS 138 此堂課無音檔 HS 139 139.1 - How much homework do you have? 1Q5A x4 (HS Josh)139.2 - How much milk do you want? 1Q5A x4 (HS Josh)139.3 - How much English do you know? 1Q5A x4 (HS Josh) HS 140 140.1 - Who wants to be first? 3Q4A x4 (HS Josh)140.2 - Does Andy know your mother? 1Q2A x7 (HS Josh)