
Dear ACES Parents,
We thank you all for your patience and effort since mid-May when we had to take our classes online due to Covid-19 Level 3 restrictions. It has taken a big adjustment for our teachers, staff, parents and students alike. It hasn’t been easy, but I must say we have all responded with resiliency and adaptability. It is important for us to find ways to maintain our learning paths during these times of difficulty.
Since the lowering to Level 2, some classes have been allowed to return to the classroom providing that we can space student 1.5 meters apart, in accordance with government regulations for after-school learning centers. Each ACES branch has had to adapt to its unique conditions due to these spacing requirements in the classroom. While at some branches, we have larger classroom spaces and have been able to return all of our students to in-person, in-classroom learning, some branches are more restricted by the Ministry of Education’s spacing guidelines and have had to remain online or a combination of in-class and online learning. As time goes on and it becomes clearer that these guidelines are not likely to change soon, we will do our best to ensure your children can come into ACES and have class in-person at least part of the time, as we all know that in-person learning is more effective for most students. For classes that can meet the spacing guidelines, we will return all students to in-person learning. For classes that cannot fully meet the spacing guidelines, we will use a rotation schedule, with some students in person and others watching at home online. While not ideal, this is the best we can do while still abiding by the guidelines. We, again, ask for your cooperation and understanding.
疫情降為二級後,政府對補習班和課後班有規定;教室內學生彼此須間隔1.5米的距離。在符合政府空間限制原則下,有些班級學生可回到教室內上課。在這個要求之下,每間分校都必須針對個別教室的實際狀況來做調整及適應。然而有的分校有較大空間的教室,可讓班上全部學生回到教室上課,有些則受限於教育局對空間的管制,仍需繼續維持線上課程,或是綜合實體和線上方式學習。在這段時間過程逐漸顯示出,這些政策並非短時間內就會改變,我們都知道實體的學習對大多數學生來說更有效的,我們將盡最大的努力,讓您的孩子能夠回到教室上課 (或至少部分時間可以回到教室)。對符合空間限制原則的班級,我們將會讓全部的學生回復到現場當面學習,對於無法完全符合空間限制原則的班級,我們將會採用「分流到班表」用輪換方式上課,也就是說一部分學生到現場當面學習時,另一部分就在家線上學習,然後依「分流到班表」替換。雖然這並不理想,但這是在政府指導原則的限制下,我們所能做到最好的方式。我們再次請求各位家長們的配合與諒解。
A few notes about our classes at this time. For safety reasons, parents will not be allowed into the classrooms nor to linger in the lobby area of the school. Rest assured that we thoroughly sanitize and disinfect every surface in the school at least twice a day. Also, we strictly enforce the recording of temperatures upon entering the facility each day. Masks must be worn at all times by everybody in the school. For this reason, no eating will be permitted in the school.
Safety will always be our number one concern for our children. Their education remains a very high priority, and at ACES we will continue to strive to fulfill both safety requirements and educational needs to the highest of all standards.
Rick France,
President 總執行長 , ACES English