Wayne Cabradilla
嗨!我是Wayne老師。我在麻省波士頓外圍的小城鎮長大。我童年時熱愛冰上曲棍球、露營,當我是個童子軍時,也喜歡登山。高中畢業後,我進入Swarthmore學院,主修經濟學、副修中文。之後,在南京的Hopkins-Nanjing Center進修一年的時間。進修完成後,於2003年因緣際會下來到台灣,一直到今天。我的興趣是騎自行車在台灣美麗的山間穿梭著以及拍攝風景照。但我目前大部分的時間是照顧我兩個活潑好動的孩子,Andrew和Allison。在ACES教書的時光中,最讓我欣喜的是能看到我的學生在七期裡的時間逐漸成熟以及扎實地提升英語能力。希望你也會是其中一位!
Hi, my name’s Wayne Cabradilla. I grew up in a small suburb just outside Boston, Massachusetts. As a kid, I enjoyed playing hockey and camping and hiking as a Boy Scout. After graduating high school, I attended Swarthmore College, where I majored in economics and minored in Chinese language and then I studied for another year at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center in Nanjing, China. After finishing that program, I visited Taiwan on a whim in 2003 and have lived here ever since. My hobbies include bicycling through the beautiful hills of Taiwan and taking landscape photography, but most of my time now is taken up by taking care of my two rambunctious kids, Andrew and Allison. One of the pleasures I get from teaching at ACES is being able to watch my students mature and make concrete progress over the course of seven semesters. I hope that you can be one of those students!